When my Dad met Von Neumann in 1951, their experience of first half of 20th c had been quite dismal - dad had spent his last days as a teenage navigator allied bomber command Burma; Neumann and most of the Goats of maths (eg Einstein Turing) had spent their brains on the bad of nuclear arms race (and were in at most last 6 years life) CONSEQUENTLY the system design scoop Neumann asked dad to train his peer economist Journalists- has a lot of depth to unpack: ask what goods will people connect with 100 times more tech every decade to the 2020s? -eg taking a generation as 30 years or a million times more tech - would such goods as peace, natural harmony, ending poverty traps colonial era had spun geographically, valuing human development (half of which may depend on child's experience from 0 to 6 even if historically teachers start at 7?) my fathers attempts to answer that question can be reviewed in two halves 33 years of work at The Economist 1951-1984 - see eg published surveys mainly free at teachforsdgs.com ; audiences we connected with co-authored book series 2025 report first in English 1984 then other languages before dad turned to complete biography of von neumann) this book review by viscount ridley suggest we timelined future tech dev of web1, 2 pretty closely through last 15 years of 20th and first 15 of millennials century - but practically speaking none of the societal goods we had timelined as jiyous human opportunities have been selected | in 2022, we invite contributions to an omnibus last edition of 2025 report- I am particularly fascinated by web3 and many // constructs as lat media chance to put investment in education first not least; i am intrigued by a group of rebels at UN ny sept 2016- reviewing year 1 of goal 4 education they said this is hopeless blah unless we connect ny policymakers with digital cooperation out of geneeva where tech health and trade genii connect- what was called by chansge education heroes "digital cooperation" from 2016 -Now in 2022 Un tech envoy office - here are some 2022 updating links to what this small team is doing / worldwide personally connecting: https://twitter.com/untechenvoy?lang=en https://twitter.com/YuPing_Chanin the next door office to UN leader antonio guterres (- all progress notes welcome as 2022-23 needs to be youth's most exciting education year - trying out year round competition sdgmetaverseprize.org ; maximising voices at 2023 UNsummitfuture23/4 and what else (see EconomistDiary) |
Thursday, September 29, 2022
back from future history 2025-1951
Sunday, September 25, 2022
which are the best of web community treasuries for which of guterres SDGs
for maths people - related link https://datawithpurpose.org and https://www.un.org/techenvoy/content/digital-environmental-sustainability & www.codesmeta.com
the world of 2022 and 8 billion beings is extremely fragile
but sunshine seems to be emerging in education daos
start with the simplest https://www.dreamdao.xyz/ do you want your place to have 15 to 20 year olds who have most expereince of how to help with next sustainbvility chalenges and most trusted cooperation ftriends around the world dream dao is as far we can finnd the most productive way of finacing that around late teens workld -please tell us if you see other best in breeds
www.ed3dao.com and transparency note i have 1/6000 stake in its treasury but I trust its female aisn founder to have made connections i could never have imagined- with educatirs of her generation, with those crypto artyists who are fredesigning value chains ot arts sports fashion music in two waysd - to maximise youth's ownership of teh value chainsd of these markets; to redesesign who youth celebrated - we need to twin entertainent cekebrities with action heroinesd in communitie and education systems need to know who is who- i see up to 30 education sub-traasuriesd need asap - in fact each of goal 2 food/agriculture - goal 6 water; goal 3 health goal 5 needs at least one netwirk which mergesd educatirs and last mile jobs in those practices
from 2008 glasgow trued to launch the virtually free nursing colege - with tiodays tech we would certainly have tried designing it asd a dao - as it was muhammad yunus was lead partnre in borrowing scoltands lead trainers of nbusres but he lost his main liecent to oeprate in the polutical troubles he got into from his 69th birthday (acce=identally my family had helped spo=posor taht eg getting the bbc number 2 green briadcatser paul rose and at that time the brit embassys main education guru DR to attend - then glasgoiw hosted yunus 70th burthday wish party and created 2 journallsd soecial busienss and new economics to help report the smissing sdg finacial models
we aslo expect beingai.com to celebarte the number 1 femele consciousnesds including mental courage/helath empotion intelligence and curate this to where places also have outstanding sdg sdolutions to go tour- whats fascinating about metaverse is virtual ecotourism can be 100 fold more thah real ecotourism- while we would suggest one person from you=r community goes check out reality and makes local twin friendships with your community- more and more climate adaptation can be trained through virtula reality modes and if you look at zbee's heritage in curating knowledge few teams have more expereince in contexts celebrating worldwide un accomplihments than team zbee
so one of the questions is if since 2008 subprime you were part of a really deep sdg cooperation movement - would it have scaled more if 2022s understanding of daos had been available - happy to discuss this with anyone or any top 10 web3 city - in my searches top 10 web cities currently include hong kong singapore bangkok parts of new york miami (its real hard to know whats going on in mainland chima but wherever I have visted communities like those close to chirman maos home town! the desire for community cooepration treasuries has been there -and there is a reason for women empowerment being as strong on china mainland as anywhere - thats the one child policy which operate over 30 years - this meant half of all fiamlies were ever more dependednt on their education 20-something daughters- i thinks its a great pity to let national politicians stop you from learning from human development wherever it leapt in the past (thats a different subject than what next or sued to be unitil it became clear that only youth cooperation can now save our species) - see hundreds of un tesimonies on that or ask me for the files