AIGames -sdgoal 1 who's done most to end poverty with finance? - eg financial literacy finance most populous bank designed by pro-poor foundation partners ...; tech is best chance to end poverty but where's AI Banking and eg green finance

Monday, December 31, 2018

2018 top 12 ingredients of trillion times moore tech

some digital sources ; Germany's AHT    Singapore   Davos   S&P  MIT Stanford

AI one day there will be too much data mapping in any operating system humans used to govern, SO AI will be the real time mediator  (questions what to prioritise  : eg over last 20 years why wasn't ai pandemic tracking priority over ai autonomous cars?;; whats the risk that initially incomplete inclusion of data will multiply inequality or make a race-fatal mistake) - see also

Satellite GPS - old worlds may have used lat and long- but now satellites GPS anywhere on the planet; smart tools beaming up data may be called :-

IOT: internet of things - from your personal mobile, to myriads of sensors you may wear to track your body's vitals,  to a smart city camera, to a robot gardener

DRONE: typically an IOT with wings with camera and in military contexts with gunpower, conversely humanly integral to monitoring nature from climate metrics to smart agriculture ..

Virtual Reality: Usually something you wear over your eyes often to play a game or to be (in some other experience than your physical one but potentially able to play with any human sense ; in parallel artificial intel is getting ever smarter at every human sense both to communicate (customise services) and to analyse 

3d printing: things once sculptured or utilizing machine tools that chizzled out a solid artefact can now be built up in 3d by digital process

5G so far every decade has seen an exponential leap in amount of data connecting positions around the world; not everywhere has equal access to apps and data algorithms; 

Blockchain-leaped into global concerns from 2008 (see paper by Satoshi); could blockchains provide best of both worlds: total privacy and total data modeling; could digital cash do a better job than paper cash and if so who's win and lose from such a transformation

Cloud : The times when computers stored all the data they needed are long gone: now they analyse data residing in clouds

Quantum the fastest number crunching computers in the world dont just use more memory power but quantum's new design

Friday, November 30, 2018


 Healthcare IoT

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    • Technology

The last year drove a dramatic influx of technology into healthcare, but that surge was already well underway. Brian O’Rourke, senior research analyst, joins host Eric Hanselman to talk about the impact of the Internet of Things in healthcare and how organizations are dealing with the volumes of data that they’re creating. Technology management challenges are being replaced by those around data management. There are echoes from our data privacy episode and a reference back to the Egyptians.

Commercial Transportation and IoT

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While Tesla’s may grab the headlines, commercial transportation has a considerable impact on markets and their supply chains and IoT technologies could improve their performance. Research analyst Mark Fontecchio joins host Eric Hanselman to look at what’s underway now and where it’s headed. The technology is ready, but the hard part is getting it integrated into the myriad providers across the transportation industry. No electric trucks soon, but IoT deployments are getting in gear.

IoT’s Role in Energy and Utilities

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The increasing use of renewable energy sources is transforming the planet and cutting emissions, but they’re complicating the operation of energy grids. IoT’s capabilities and appropriate analytics can help adapt the grid to make better use of these options and senior research analyst Johan Vermij joins host Eric Hanselman to talk about where they come into play and how they’re being put to work. They’re part of ensuring that the benefits of these improvements are being distributed equitably.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

5+g digital infrastructure (tech coastal belt) supercity

 Next Generation Infrastructure

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We’re living in an age of next-gen everything and tech infrastructure seems like it’s always in flux. Liam Rogers, research analyst in 451’s infrastructure team, joins host Eric Hanselman to open up what’s really changing and their impacts, take us back to the Planet of the Apps and generally work at making sense of these ideas. They look at the concept of observability and how it can manage the scale of cloud native operations and microservices architectures, even coping with ESG requirements.

Datacenter and Infrastructure Markets in China

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Every region on the globe has their own characteristics, but the high levels of digitization in China create interesting requirements. Perkins Liu, senior research analyst, joins host Eric Hanselman to explore the dynamics of the market and the forces at work. High levels of mobile phone use and the accompanying dominance of mobile payments are driving datacenter expansion. China also has proactive requirements for power optimization and green grid utilization to manage environmental impacts.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

pieces of greentech

 related jigsaw pieces of era of trillion times "moore" tech

The many facets of ESG in technology

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While the impacts of ESG are becoming much more visible, the nuances in technology can be harder to discern. Chris Marsh, principal research analyst, joins host Eric Hanselman to explore some upcoming research that looks at ESG aspects in enterprise technology. It goes beyond energy or carbon footprint, extending to working environments, data management and customer experience. This is a conversation that has to expand to putting technology to work improving business practices and more.

Batteries in Tech

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Backup is the main job for batteries in most large technology implementations, but that’s changing. Kelly Morgan, research director for datacenters, joins host Eric Hanselman to explore ESG and regulatory changes and how recycled electric vehicle (EV) batteries are getting a second life as supplemental supplies that can shave off demand peaks. The shift in chemistry has both opportunities and challenges. This is a follow-up to the S&P Global Battery Trends webinar and covers key points.

Friday, August 31, 2018


 AI/ML maturity and pandemic effects

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The last year has seen a maturing of the use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML). It’s also been whipsawed by the pandemic. Peter Licursi, product manager for the Natural Language Processing team with Kensho and Nick Patience, a 451 Research founder and research director for the AI Applications and Platforms practice, join host Eric Hanselman to discuss how AI/ML use is changing. There’s more cloud and less need for data scientists, it turns out, for those doing it right.

Saturday, March 31, 2018


Semiconductor TransformationNext in Tech

    • Technology

Are we going back to the future with semiconductors? 451 Research founders John Abbott and Nick Patience join host Eric Hanselman to flash back to some history that seems to be repeating itself in the processor battles we see emerging today. The supply chain tug of war between hyperscalers, the automotive market and mainstream tech isn’t playing out well for any of them. Will the demands of AL/ML further complicate these strains? We echo the last episode, as we keep winding up at the edge.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

In search of Finance & fintech for the peoples

abedmooc 1.1-1.6

 Twitter search by fidelity includes Fintech-EU  KW  jw  omers  ms  tw   gh  bt

Search by J includes  

others to watch  fcecon 

List members

J-PAL MENA, based at , seeks to reduce poverty by ensuring that policy is informed by scientific evidence.
A joint venture by  and , the TaRL Africa team supports partners working to address the learning crisis in primary schools in Africa.
Executive Director at J-PAL South Asia. Views are personal.
J-PAL SEA @ FEB UI. Menanggapi tantangan pembangunan dengan memastikan bahwa kebijakan terinformasikan oleh bukti ilmiah
J-PAL North America, based at , seeks to reduce poverty by ensuring that policy is informed by scientific evidence.
The Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (South Asia) at IFMR. J-PAL's mission is to ensure that policy is informed by scientific evidence.
Global Executive Director of . Earlier in the #IAS, now at . Musings on evidence informed policy and life. Opinions are my own.
Senior Fellow at . Data and evidence enthusiast. Views here my own. retweets are not endorsements
Investigación en acción, más de diez años en Latinoamérica y el Caribe. #JPALLAC10 // Também em português!
Executive Director  | Paris School of Economics. Scientific evidence for better policy. Views are my own.
J-PAL Africa, based at  at . J-PAL’s mission is to reduce poverty by ensuring that policy is informed by scientific evidence.
J-PAL seeks to reduce poverty by ensuring that policy is informed by scientific #evidence. Based , we lead J-PAL’s work in Europe.
We are a global poverty research center  that conducts randomized evaluations and builds partnerships to bring innovative, effective programs to scale.
Carioca Flag of Brazil Executive Director . MPA/ID'13  and  alumn. RCTs, effective govts, and soap operas. Opinions my own.

realted natural capital:  Partha Dasgupta (Cambridge)

22 predictions for digital optimization 2022