AIGames -sdgoal 1 who's done most to end poverty with finance? - eg financial literacy finance most populous bank designed by pro-poor foundation partners ...; tech is best chance to end poverty but where's AI Banking and eg green finance

Monday, March 13, 2017

1- who are the "people" of conscious inner city hubs epitoised by thurgood marshall union hub
2 what are the simplest human communications tools of scaling collaboration and conscious entrepreneurs
3 how did i get started on cataloguing these methods 40 years ago at national opinion polls in ,london - and what were the craziest moments?
scaling up collaboration to action is the missing skill of opening communal space for every age group (eg schools , exchange colleges, community experiences you invite youth into are worthless where teachers are not free to pass this skill on) - i will assume its obvious that conscious movements benchmark inner city hub needs to be experienced as the world's open training epicentre of this   - i guess you will tell me if not

FOR NOW What i want to check is we agree that there are at least 4 types of "people' concentric circles of a conscious inner city hub and intergenerationally each needs a youth ambassador as well as an elder ambassador

1 the people who already are the community - eg the people who already feel free to organise anything inside thurgood marhall hub
2 wider circles of community connector in superplace baltimore who want to feel thurgood marshall is the mother centre of all the solutions that inner city collaboration entrepreneurs need to innovate practice and scale
3 the people who want tgoodm to be the benchmark inner city hubs for twinning places where the inner city people are empowered to develop livelihoods and communal happiness
4 opinion leaders, funders, those leaders who cant help our peoples until or unless they get thurgood marshall value system -dna of black girls intrapreneurial revolution  - that 1776's declaration on its own could not freely legislate over , not sustain in grounded ways as america got bigger and bigger and needed to value social innovation not juts thing innovation
2222222222222222222 methods -
but first a few videos to set the scene:

astronaut ron garan on why collaboration is the missing secret sauce wherever peoples are losing sustainability 

training video cable tv of lehman college in bronx used 2008 to ask students whether they wanted to start up a conscious buisnessclub
shocking reveals when you ask people who are extraordinary mediators how they got started at school -case the british broadcasting corporations number 1 (and prince charles favorite) storyteller of need to action climate crisis solutions

haiti 11 year olds practising open space

quarterbilliongirls practising open space storytelling from brooklyn to chiarman mao's home town 


methods 1 open space - 3 best facilitators of this movement that has performed 300000 times since 1984 i have ever seen are its maryland founder harrison owen, david firth - are you appearing in maryland soon david??, amy -ditto?

method 2 collaboration cafe

method  3 ted salon
 (sub practices how do you do a 16 minute ted talk, a viral social action 3 minute video call for collaboration, a viral 40 second video call for collaboration)

method 4 circles methods are as old as village elders intergenerational empowerment methods but i find the quakers circle particularly illuminating - originally this was designed when royatly in britain sent a boss to a community to issue a new order the quakers would put the messenger in the middle of a circle politely listen then at question time adopt the following rule - each person has maximum of one question, the community decides when the questioning is over- this neatly reverses the syndome where the noisiest try and ask question first- quaker questions tend to build on each other with the last question being an expression of action
-always the showman mahatma gandhi made his last appearance in london at the quakers house euston circa 1925 - a neat reversal of a circle sitting round a chief boss

method 5 grounded theory - if you are doing research where you know a society has a broken system but you dont know what it is - you use grounded theory- its just the simplest method for identifying exceptional ideas wherever they may breakthrough conventional wisdom or couch potato syndrome

i will write a few more notes on these methods at of course i am sure there are many other methods but 9 year olds up can be shown how to play all of above - any school that doesnt obviously isnt free to empower its youth to community build and one wonders what social networking achieves if community trust building doesnt come first  -go to china and you see that teachers are being trained in understanding thus challenge  

================= world class brands
3 i am just a  maths guy not a facilitator but through observation and professionally in doing social innovation research over 40 years including a decade of work building mit's first social worldwide database i have also been hired by european union to do some of its biggest surveys ones they paid million of dollars (not to me) for and made billion dollar decisions on (no they didnt go down well with th big cheeses in brussels ), i moderated emotional intelligence across a 25 country and 100 city knowledgeboard virtual community of the european union (eventually we were closed down by luxembourg who said their view of knowledge management was to get rid of peoples jobs not to empower them - ), internally i was hired the world's largest ad agency to space something similar - didnt go well either as it turned out they preferred not to advise their biggest clients of trabsparent trust-flows

 i have been hired by people like howard rheingold at the time his san francisco consultancy hoped dotcoms would really be a revolution, i have watched a grand master like harrison owen for about 15 years and tried to make sure the best young storytellers i have ever bumped into are trained by him- in any event whether you are co-leading the biggest corporation or the most collaborative hub my books and dozens of publications in journals am concerned on how you answer the purpose question - who in the world would uniquely miss what if you ceased to exist- economic systems that licence big organisations whose leaders cant openly answer this question have nothing to do with sustaining the future livelihoods of their people - that much my life experience of conflict reconciliation is convinced by

so is all of above relevant over the next 8 weeks as king and al and friends aim to launch the most conscious inner city hub ever benchmarked; can supercity baltimore-dc break free from being donald's not-so magic kingdom

 are these sorts  of mediation practices relevant to taking 1000 college students to china every 4 months ; are they relevant to any other entrepreneur (big data small entrepreneur) freedom you may want to wizard through machine or human technology of a best for youth world's sort; can we rehearse these practices on the franciscan roads to argentina g20 2018 or the coding roads india g20 2019

in the future markets that eg jack ma help villages and youth design, an organisation however big that doesnt know how to empower these methods may be very valuable to the tangible accountant but it is next to worthless to the intangibles and sustainability and open education accountants- we already have 100 cases of organisations thought to be worth billions of dollars each but who have lost it all because their leaders didnt consciously attend to how trustworthy their unique purpose was- so mathematically/academically i dont need more evidence - i just want to see the next generation be free to try collaboration methods out as how they communicate- now this is not what america's mass media wants - and until americans change mass media they really cant contribute to the rest of sustainability world without (their freedoms , consciousness, faith , hope, joy bottom up community building) being endlessly overtrumped by their politicians and lawyers - and this requires both a media and education revolution, not tomorrow NOW

best chris

From: King Christopher <>
To: Ashley Boykin <> 
Cc: "Jayfus Tucker Doswell, Ph.D." <>; christopher macrae <>; Hakim Dyer <>; Hakim Dyer <>
Sent: Friday, 10 March 2017, 19:52
Subject: Re: Connecting and possible Meeting tomorrow or Saturday

Sunday, March 12, 2017

west baltimore number 1 conscious inner city hub in the nation - how its communities preceded gandhi in changing laws- justice inside the nation- how today its the soul of the whole region of dc-baltimore opposite to donald's region - how its got the blessing of pope francis and jim kim -why wouldnt it be jack ma favorite regeneration hub in usa- is drayfus top rank at blockchain or not?

we get one shot at building structire round this  
while much of this black connectors need to authenticate themsleves
i know miko peter and amy have always had huge community building spirits so  invite you to brainstoprm idea now

we have about 60 days to elect the wisdom council

but thats just the starts - they need to honored  in  actions they recommend - the teachers of teachers -

king can you edit ideas below - i know some of it is wrong but of we dont get amy and whichever her mentors can help engaging in this now then we will never convince eg kiehl and so his connections even though ,like you he grew up in st louis
and the work needed to get black liberty into john mackeys white liberty networks has a lot of work we need to do - we need at least some storylines with a month to hit the conscious capitalism summit in philidelphia- thing is san francisco has some huge social justice black and chieuse educators -= we need to get them meeting alex so he gets that 1 conscious capitalism has different chapter expertises and every chapter can learn from dc one on social justice

Thurgood Marshall - the world possible we could be linking by now

can we form tgoodm wisdom council

Most respected community elders in the country -eg rosa parks lawyer whom i know; actor who ;played thurgood marshall... 

black futures 365 days a year
ask each to write in with what actions elders would expect youth to be taking now- note we need to turn from protests to replicating community solutions- eg social shark tanks- 
youtube in 60 second ideas and know that serious suggestions will get a reply

do a regular salon like ted salon new york but on black community actions 

 explaining how to use case law; community professionals sharing expertise and connections to decision makers

keep talking about real numbers indicating whats wrong - eg percent of black youth in prison - get beyond all the distractions of mass media

its really important that black america partners the way china uses media to end inequity and bring transparency - china friends those who co-create real social progress not those who trouble-make

involve regional development agencies until black smes are seen as one of the millioon jobs partners jack ma connects with -ian ryder is trying ti get top 2 stores through to jack ma - partner sir fazle - partner al

why isnt there a k to 12th grade curriculum of social solutions - the future of our history - the reasons why only black communities deeply tackle sustainability issues- apps black youth could be co-creating connect very much with what kiehl wants to free- he's made most of his money out of rap - he too was brought up in st louis;

historically black grandmas were the heart and the soul of black progress - i understand that the world has changed but how did the culture of learning across generations get lost

re-examine hbuc - they need local wisdom councils looking at what they do as many if them have become worst of jobs destructors

find ways to bridge community building between best of ,latin and best of black; ie love good cultures and love places unique diverse natural resources -

kiehl hosted many brilliant connectors of how to analsyse a place
beck who both advised mandela and mackey
expert place consultant
expert culture consultant

black youth need to be gthe greatest translators across cultures but first they need to celebrate the proudest moments of their own with real actions

open space has huge ;possibilities to bring black communities together- one of the issues is develop your own control of local safetynets stop playing the game of generalised social handouts

identify which are the great black mayors - i think the mayor of tuskegee has a great circle and rosa parks lawyer can check this for us not the rotten ones like the mayor of atlanta

can we form tgoodm wisdom council

Most respected community elders in the country
black futures 365 days a year
ask each to write in with whjat actiones elders would expect youth to be taking now- note we need to turn from protests to replicating community solutions- eg socail shark tanks- explaining how to use case law; community professionals sharing expertise and connections to decision makers

keep talking about rfeal numbers indicating whats wrong - eg percent of black youth in prison - get beywond all the distractions of mass media

its really important that black ameriuca partebrs teh way china uses media to end inequity and bring transparency - china friednds thise who co-craete real socail progtress nit those who troublerose

why isnt there a k to 12th grade curriculum of social solutions - the future of our hostiory - the reasons why only black communiteus deepmluy tacke sustainability issues- apps black youth could be co-creating connect very much with what kiehl wants to frree- he's made ,ost of hios money out of rap - he too was brought iup in st louis;

historically blach granmas were the ehart and the soul of black progress - i understand that the world has chnaged but how did the cultre of learning acroiss geerations getr lost

re-examinne hibuc - they meed local wideom councils looking at what they do as many if tem have become worst of jobs destructors

find ways to bridge coimmunity buolding between ebst of ,latin and best of black; ie love cultures and love places unique diverse natural resoiurces -

kiehl hosted many brilant connectirs of how to analsys a place
a full tiem place consultant
a full tie culture consultant

blach yoith need to be gthe greatest gtranslatirs acroiss cultures bjut fkirst they need tio celebrate the prooudest momenst of tehir own with real actions

open sopavce had huge ;possibilities to bring black communitues together- one of teh issues is develpop your own control of lovcal safetynets stop playing the game of generalised socfial handouts

identify which are tghe great black mayors - i thipnk the mayor of tuskegee has a great corcle and rossa parks lawyer can check this for us not the rooten ones like the mayor of atlanta