AIGames -sdgoal 1 who's done most to end poverty with finance? - eg financial literacy finance most populous bank designed by pro-poor foundation partners ...; tech is best chance to end poverty but where's AI Banking and eg green finance

Sunday, July 31, 2022

from 2008 I was privileged to accompany muhammad yunus on USA tours from Tuskegee to Oregon from Atlanta to Greensborough ND; from UDC to UNH - we interviewed over 100 leaders of historically black universities helped judge a thousand student entrepreneur pitches- but at the end of it all I found a community in Baltimore where Thurgood Marshall grew up- their massive open collaboration (social action learning) could be turned into a test for licence for english-language teaching let alone public sector journalism or reality tv apprenticeships! imo -why has western public service got almost no examples of smart bot knowhow hotlines empowering community self-sufficiency? - new york's 15th annual graduate collaboration cafe focused on this problem march 22 and has found leading solution out of hong kong and various asian chapters of the UN metaverse - do you need to know about this? (see eg writes - whilst I have lived near Bethesda Natronal Health Palace for 25 years my favorite community visit is where Thurgood grew up in Baltimore- if you have time to tour why , let's just do it. Hopkins & Armor can be included in visit if you like.
To our inspirational black american TGM - who's yours?SUMMARY DO CHILDREN HAVE A FUTURE: Back in 1951 my family and friends were given the most curious gift of all - dad was briefed by Princeton's Father of Intelligent Machines. Von Neumann. that journalists and teachers should practice asking big decision makers what will you gov with 100 times more tech per decade? or million times "moore" per 30 year inter-generation? Q&A explains last chance deadlines for Uniting Peoples or Nations or any other game/ people play on earth & AbedPlay 50 million teachers asks for help - imagine designing 2025 LIBRARY - section 1 moral stories of people without engines from 1750s Glasgow to 90% of Bangladesh's 20th Century; 2 collaboration stories where love of each others children safely blended 2 crises posed by machines the energy inputs humans and machines each need; the intel that humans and machines can blend if we are to continue as nature's smartest specie, .what do you feel needs to be in section 3 - perhaps some arts and verses and music every community can celebrate as girls and boys come out to play?;

Monday, July 18, 2022

NFT & UN2.0 libraries

 Back in 2018 we were told july un ny that those responsible for 300 trillion (yes trilion) dolasr of pension funds did not see sdg projects as asset grade

in other words parental generations have given up on sustainability of youinger half of the world whether they consciously understand that or have been misled by bad media etc

anyhow tyhe two main ways I aim to search are giv2.0 if/when government last mile services get back to funcung best intercommunity solutions - see UN2.0 which ofefgrs benchmark any gov can connect with- i have a library of about 30 files -i will try and index this in a logical curation odrer soon but if urgent ask - if you have a particular region or sdg in mind then that can help me pick ouyt file you brobaly need forst - see also and where we review some files in depth

daos and defi- at the moment I am very picky who's information i9 trust on -in fact I always start with vritie's newletters and see where they ;ead me to (transparency note currentluy I own one unit of her ed3 minting)  

july update   

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