AIGames -sdgoal 1 who's done most to end poverty with finance? - eg financial literacy finance most populous bank designed by pro-poor foundation partners ...; tech is best chance to end poverty but where's AI Banking and eg green finance

Thursday, January 1, 1970


dad norman macrae died of cancer june 2010- his obituaries- his last article dec 2008 on the sad consequences subprime would trap youth in - coming notes on remembrance parties across the globe- on his 10th parting we are also zoom-remembering- rsvp whilst blockchain-crypto may be the 7th wonder of can banking sustain humanitys lets not forgets tyhe foundations 1 financial litearcy curricula -bravo austriali'as 10000 girls and worldwide aflatoun . 2 how billion rural women banked to end poverty since 1970 and leapfrogged from 1996; 3 why industrial revolution 3 needed to connect above zero sum finacing models with all markets core to the sdgs; understanding how to humanise ai algorithms on banking and everything 5 why future histories need to unite us peopels faster than national boundaries separate us 6 what civil society collaborations will need to scale to triangularise world of big corporate and big gov
next only to education/health/safety, change in banking immediately changes lives of families and generations whereas infrastructure and natural resources multiply national impacts over time- financial services have at least 3 segments - how its designed for people, for big organisations, for pensions ang government
since 1950, in developed countries - quarter of humans) changes in tech have caused changes in finance first- some peoples have leaped into banking consider those most linked to developed west, development of china region, rest of developing world- we will map what happened to innovation of tech to the west which has had access to 4 tech revolutions from 1950 rural, space-communications, engineering , computing brain power- china that had access to rural revolution in 1970s, engineering from 1980s, all tech from about 2005, and bangladesh which accesses rural change from 1970, has for most of its people not yet accessed engineering change, has joined in other tech between 1995-2005 thanks to being the epicentre of ngo sdg economy - epicentre fazle abed- of course in a world of 200 nations there are other hybrid models but decide which if any of these three is one your peoples need to understand first because big data collection has gone global - see society 5.0 and osaka track g20 2019
key system transformations -paper non-digital banking operations, digital operations, consumer digital atm and cards and end of community banking. mobilising change in commerce and banking, integrating all post 1950 tech revolution- finance needed to be a future affair that teachers and students questioned before youth began livelihoods- since 1760 alumni of adam smith and james watt glasgow u birth of industrial revolution have recommended mediating these questions openly - how much of wealth and natural resources do the top 10 and 500 people control- is your society one in which 3 halves of people - women youth and poor each have less than 10% voice in the future of their generation

putting our species at risk- wall streets bankers and washington lobbyists and careless media moguls did the worst job ever at end of 2000s- can ny's biggest fund managers return the planet to all families as we enter 2020s - search worldrecordjobs -biggest marketmakers bezos and ma - then join us at -or help us value goal of worlds biggest -search - google versus microsoft; health&safety investor bloomberg vs soros; largest funds fink versus mitsubishi ; education for all schwarzman versus hongkong-singapore partners -supercity adaptability ban ki-moon versus masa-son; big decision makers events schwab vs guterres; rural villages fazle abed partners

we also thank the baltimore branch of for sharing its investigative scholars of everything that's crazy about 21st financial services that thurgood marshall wouldn't have let rip

dec 2020 Washington thinktanks have become in most cases as dismal as the supreme leader trump making these exceptions absolutely brilliant 1 2
this economics policy series shows how banking in america has been serially designed to tip off the poor and the young - and even when the rich elders mess up they demand the poor and young bail them out- i now see why my father as early as 1980s described macroeconomics as totally fame political chicanery nothing to do with the origins system designs of the first 200 years of followers of adam smith moral sentiments- see also

  Interalia this poses crises in the very heart of universities wherever the imposition of student debt model values the past over the future. This must be broken up way before sdg deaadline 2030. (see

Today's opportunity to leap forward with the (recursive) mathematical hypothesis of celebrating 7 year old's curiosity comes from the fact that the 17 SDGs were only announced sept 2015. In the English language there is a library of how economists mediated our species goals that can be studied from 1843 (some would say Adam Smith 1758). What the sdgs make transparent for the first time is that since 1843 there have been two sorts of intellectuals (type 2 "MICRO" argue (as real engineers and newton must) from the ground/community up sgd-zero so to speak; type 1 MACRO (traceable back to European Kings argue from top-down from sdg18 or 17 if you like). Although its shocking to hear that all the most powerful intellectual and monetarily empowered decision makers are only 7 years old; we can start with 2 good news frames if we choose. Neumann alumni netrworks since 1955 humans started looking into brain science blessed by 100 times more tech per decade - so in a sense we three generation (grand parenting, parneting, today's milennial youth) have been living/morphing an era where human advancement required rules adapting different versions 5.0 to 0.0 - oddly the digital telecoms sector through the United Nations in Geneva identifies with this brand architecture in ways that most other trillion dollar industry sectors have not. For latest perspective: see its annual debate out of vietnam oct -dec 2021 for future back possibilities of 6G & 5G. In addition Bill Gates has always recommended the exponential precept; much less will happen in 3 years than can be planed for , much more in 7 years (see 1990s book - way ahead),

Expoenetial system mapmakings needs its own debating platforms- imagineer such media spaces as TED LEONSIS owner of 2 DC sports franchiseies is one of the few american entrepereneurial revolutionaries to openly voice this issue from birth of sgds 2015 (where his dream was dc and la conurbations would morph every conflicting Beltway insiders' place and corporate lobby process into new york's smarter generational mapping- he has implied occasional chats on this since Case began aol and Bezos began amazon (the 3 met several times when bezos was the 1990s startup who would be king ). Anyhow mathematically such dialogues generate hypotheses that when it come to sustainability it is integral to acknowledge up to 7 viewpoints. New York is really only America's premier league city along with arguably tokyo berlin seoul (beijing) (London) that can see green multipliers up and down of how 20+ million peoples capital is hyperconnected with their own city, their own nation, not juts other nations but the bottom billion people who have been left oput of being connecetd by engines since 1760. Fortunately this eighth's understanding of whats next to prevent exticntion has 50 years consistent mapping at