AIGames -sdgoal 1 who's done most to end poverty with finance? - eg financial literacy finance most populous bank designed by pro-poor foundation partners ...; tech is best chance to end poverty but where's AI Banking and eg green finance

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Little about crypto currencies

in banking world,  Perhaps nothing man made is changing as much as crypto currencies - so i expect this aug 2022 little to know will need to look very different in a few months  (arguably when media chnages finance is first to change - what did finance do to you - web3 web2 web1 tv before web; before tv) before electricity ... 

I suggest novices on currencies (including me -footnote i studied maths and dont like spending time on zero sum games but now i realise i should have a bit more) start at asking themselves what is bitcoin and what is one other currency - currently I find it fun to ask what is ethereum

IF you are young, might want to live anywhere in the world or feel youyr country needs rebuilding (i studied how girls took on this challenge in bangaldesh when the nation was new) you might want to have some savings balanced by what your own nations currency does. Historically thats not been possible or legal. But today if you place permits cryto wallets then you can do that. 

TO get started yiu will need a cryptowallet . You have to go through a specific coding sequence. Google will quickly send you to what to do - meta mask is a typical wallet app for your mobile . Please note tgere is a lot more on crypto which I havent triedf to intro at eg

Probably the best first crypto currency to have a little saving in is bitcoin. It was the first. It is filled a gap in global money markets that it is hard to see being closed down. Its not being used to try out most of the exctraodinary community building eperiments. This actiually means its tech is simpler to provide (or should be the most secure).

If blockchain is the most conservative cryptocurreny, which can you have most fun with - in 2022 probably ethereum. Please note once you have eg bitcoin savings you can easily chnage into the other cryptos. 

There is a catch 22. which you can see - how prices have varied over last month 12 montehs longers



As far as i can see of all cryptos bitocin will rise stadily but from now on not spectacularly whwreas one of the currecies to play with may leap far higer. But currently all krytos vary a lot - bo9th bitcoin and ethereruem have varied 3 fold in the last 12 months. So if your reason for being in cryoto is long term also make sure you take advice as towhen to begin.

As at August 2022 if you want to do somthing with NFTs (even launch your own) you probablky dont need to know an awful lot about how the people who run ethereum itself do their job. What you need to excplore is all the NFTs that you can alreadt become a member of with etheruem minting as well as how people craete a new nft

What I want to do by second week of spetember is to discuss some dao cases I like eg - i'd really like to hear from people who say my favorite is .. 

I hope to learn a lot more in new york 13 spet to 17 sept - perhaps we can zoom in or meet - i am trying to understand how all this impacts millennails (under 30s and their teachers) as the first generation who mo=ust see the sustainability development goal achieved out of every communituy

This is a huge exploration - so yeah tell me what i have got wrong or better links or if there is a big question you want to share with explotrers what is it

Below i wantt to add in some topics that I think need to be explored at the same time as crypt cyrrency

How are you all going to design or use web3 or the metaverse. Fu=ortunately hear the united nations and the world's largest proze host xprize have teamed up - 22-23 sees the first yera round competition - 2-6 people regsiterd by decemeber- chose 1 of 17 sustainability goals that matters most to you and yours- whats a viral story you can share on why ythisd matters (the last part of the sompetition is how to web 3 youyr story- but dont worry if you have a stury that billiinsd want - do it in whatever version scales an audience and web 3 mnetors can heklp you; whasts mots important is by may 2023 there are 17 networks each coop0erating around the sdg stiry that moves their world

The other Un topic is the number 1 chnage gutrerres is leading Un around 2017-2026 - he wants a dugital un2.0; there are 9 playing piesces

4 are tech; 4 are faith/consience based ie rights, inclusion public goods, trust/safety

the 34 tech piesces

digotal cooperation - this is everything educatirs can blend digoitally

ai for good- this is the question my father journalised since 1951 insoired by v neumann - ask what pepoples will do with 100 times more tech - so vereything aboove fits ai for good

there is digital capaity building which really means how will elder people have to unlearn at elast as fast as young people work

and there is global connectiviyty- there is a tech part of the un taht was founded in szuterland 1865 - the first global connectivuity chalenge was how woul organsitions get together "worldwide" to supply telegraps - soon alosmt any public goog beginning with tele or rad ...

You can see how the Un updates its playing pieces at if you are not starting yiyr sustainability year in ny - there's a un zoom out of mongolia spet 5, 6 - all joyful expoersr welcome via the envoy office

There is a 9th piece CODES about adasptation of green from ground up

Because the Un is sort of woed by nations as well as peoples its not alowed to brainstorm crypto until you show how tos cale sdgs with crypto - at ;least thats the gos i have heard so far - if I am wrong show me which parts of the UN are launching NFTS! or celebrating crypo1


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