DC since 2008 has hosted open education group concerened with world's most important missing curricula that millions of youth njeed to interact around- we came across a real living case in the life works - OLA -open action learnin gs of Muhhamd Yunus and other grassroots networks of Bangaldesh who have innovated the new economics paradigm discussed by clinton.charlie rose- the most exciting nethods to colaborate around millenniu goals, and much more
fall 2008 - we sent almost 10000 of these dvds out fee so that youth could join in debating the curriculum of social- a few collector copies remain - price by negotiation -
chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk or you can download her or at
We also have 8 hours of transcripts which we are happy to share with people who genuinely want youth to understand the knowledge that Dr Yunus and Grameen millions of female entrepreneur built up through grassroots networks in their race to end poverty - arguably the greatest collaboration race of all time - recall the dates : Bangladesh was born poorest 100 million nation after a war of freedom from west Pakistan in 1971- after lobbying us congress during the war years: Yunus came back to Bangladesh with his wife and 3 month old baby daughter in 1972- his wife couldn't find a way to bring up an infant and returned to the states- Yunus immersed himself in transferring his knowledge of economics studied at van der bilt to classes at university of Chittagong- then a million person famine happened and the economic theory looked so irrelevant that his took his classes out to the villages to see if they could find any opposite social and economic solutions to Macroeconomics of US bankers.
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By the time our videos were filmed the world was beating to NObe Lautrate Yunus door- what was t happen between 2007-2013 and onwards has beomme yet another locally peculiar future history of the whole world of muslim born nations. As the NObel judge said in Dhaka when speaking to thod=usands of youth at his opening of the Yunus museum - you are the ypouth leaders that the whple muslim wprld can learn peace and hard working enetrprsie from while retaining your loving family talmost from that day on the conflicts across the region have taken long and winding turns -and is yet unclear whether the gree nation of Banagldesh will be able to makes its peoples choice in spite of inveneting more microentrpreneurial franchoses for open replication across world's glbla vilages racing to end poverty than anywhere on the planet |
...................................................................after a few experiments microcredit loans and banking services were born initially freeing 42 village craftsmen from loan sharks with a total of 27 dollars. Dr Yunus argued with the still young leaders of the new nation that a bank for poor womens was urgent and missing from the country; he started signing himself as responsible for loans mad- between 1976 and 1983 - y7 years of trails perfenceted the grameen microfranchsie built round 60 by 60 comen circles per rural branch (each branch visising each village centre once a week thereby serving income generation microloans of 3600 of the world's poorest families- however grameen was no more a bank than a centre when the women met bot h to educate themselves ane reorganize local markets around exchnages they could animate in the village- hundreds ogf thousabnds of village cengtres emerged from 1883 when Grameen was constituted by national law to yunus and the women winng the nobel peace proze- all began each banking day with a recital of 16 decisionsreflecting what the mothrs wished the bank to invest in over time - their childrens nutrition, health and educational development - for example grameen fors line extension was carrot seeds which the ,others planeted to end theor childrens night blindness- soon it was offereing them loans to build a hut whoch won the aga khan architecture award- the hut was not a speculative property- it was the minimum needed for a family to be safe in monsoons and cyclones and it integrated a pit latrine for sanitation. It was also only available for wome n to own - henceforth if a man nverbally repeated he wanted a divorce he had to leave the house instead of throwing the mother and children out. In this way grameen was the most cogherent por-por, pro-mothers, pro-youth grassroots netwok ever designed. Things started to get more complex when Yunus becamse the first to bring mobile phones to the village. Grameen phone became the biigest company in Bangaldesh -a cause of increasing politics over the next 165 uyeras. The gramen women quietly operated the most valuable job frabchsie they had ever lady per village centre of 60 hiored a mobile phone to be used communally - it must have been very much the same freedom as when the tegram forst came to the ld west but only operated by womens networks. |
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