AIGames -sdgoal 1 who's done most to end poverty with finance? - eg financial literacy finance most populous bank designed by pro-poor foundation partners ...; tech is best chance to end poverty but where's AI Banking and eg green finance

Wednesday, December 30, 1970

Banking on braonpower -what was known by 19870s on future of next capitalism, entrepreneurial revolution- 20th year of economist journalists vonneumann pretraining

 By 1957, the wporld's 3 greatest mathematicians Neumann_einstein-Turing were dead. Howver they had given bith to the 6 type of engine computers connected to languages/coding and neural network mapping of correspondence between huamn and computaional brainpower

type 6 engines multipied expoentail consequence sof type 5 engines communications since 1965 switzerlan itu. this has been partiocularly spectacuar in digital networking age both 3g around 2001 and 4g around 2008 involved 100 times more data transfer. 4g had been acomapnied with mobile devices replacing the personal computer as main data multipying interface and gps tracking of anypoint on earth/space. Its probably not relevant to nworry about 5g as 100 time smore daya transfre as there have also been huge leaps in processing capacities - quantum computing , chips with 80 billion transistirs; - once trained a computer can do overnight what might take a milion years of graduare brain power eg lphafols 2000000 protein maps. The greatest matehaticains had also clarified that newtonian maths of man made ojects does not explain more micro level dynmaics of nations atoms etc.

Type 4,3 engines were transoorational and utlity grids (ege electricity) making cities advanatgeous over rural life. Tyoe 1 engines of glasgiw 170s began with physical power, and precision automation

As biographer and systems mapper of how tech went beyond economics models of development, notes show that von neumann belived in open source. He decared if a group of peopel were advancing good why would they need a paptent for more ta 6 months. By that time they had first choice of network partners.

Something similar seems to be going on around the 2 geatest mathematicaons of teh 21st fei0fei li and hassabis. Its hard to see why any of universities, busiensds, nations, civil societies in the west gain from beimng sperarated from the 3 towns

stnafird educationa;

mountain bview platform

santa clara chip/machine design

Peculairly ,50 years of tech advance had largely missed vsion coding relating machine and human brains - this has now been done with seeing objects, all 5 communication senses , and games which mimic analyses needed at the most midcro level of nature's cell dynamics

For example if the world can share 1001 large language model between 1000 mother tonguesd and computaion vsisdon code, that should be enough to connect plugs insd matching susdtainability decelopment goals. Cerianing teh sdgs wont be achiened without something of that cooeprative kind winning the race of llm good. Meanwhile foundation models are already exploring other daya analuses. Whilst llms mat mimic superlibrarians with endless memory; other datasets like how babies develop their braisn vision during first 18 montsh involeve comoetely different data sets.

This week thise who webinared with bouth the hifmam-lee grants updates and the foumdatiosn model day can see why its really hard to see anyone overtaking stanfird in teh west as cooperation for good epicentre. It is tru that of all the wests biggest digital companies amazon may be its own lab of everyyhimg but ultimately that is conditioned buy delivering commerce- it cant for exsample do much to total redesign of education system caled for if mielenaisl are to cooerate as first renewable generation

While some of this over simplifies ; it makes snse to map who vonnected after hassabis and fei-fei li met each other at teh start of teh annual imagenet. We know for example that at stanford Andrew NG of Mooc and Jerry Tang were two of the first people to almost comptely coperate with fei-fei li breakthrough. Witin 5 years hassabis out of london had merged with google whilst at the same time donating a bilion dolar to stanford- fll related netwoirks. This begun very close relationships between teh platform corporate town moutain view and stanfird. Within 2 years both melinda gates and nvideia ceo were supportinf ai-4-all ed curriculla co-edy=ied by fei-fei Li. This connected in santa clara,. Also if you look at who spomsors labsat stanfird bil gated and paul allen (ie seattle) alreadyb there. Interesting neurscience's main lab iwas foudned by Brookly's Nrs Tsia. And one of the maon medical lans by hong komg's li ka shing. 

Its hard to see why any uinder 40 wanting to co-create the first renewable generation would willingly be separated from stanfird. If other universities dot undersdtand that, I would guess their value and their regional imapct on whole education systems will plummet. Education at leasst is sharing maths magic is positively energised by cooperation not comoetoition - einstein was very clear on this and serously questioned if the american system would ever develop the greatest 15b year old maths and engineering brains. It might borrow from immigrants.If you look at the biography of von neuamm a lot of time is pent on how cities like vieenna busapest , munick trained the world's top maths genni with specifuc customised learning not standrad classrooms -see also work by professor csik

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